So it has been a complete week now and people are still talking about this event. People that were here want to know "What's Next"?, People who weren't here can't quite understand exactly what went down (I have heard questions like this) "How in the world did yall fit that many people in this place"? (and my personal favorite) "How do I find out about the next event so I don't miss out anymore"? All of that will be covered in the next couple paragraphs. Truth be told, everyone up here (Sneak Peek, Strange Fruit, and Red Bull) are past it, we have actually been planning the next event before the 1st (Spring Board 2009) began, and now we are on the 3rd (You better catch up).
Spring Board 2009: Presented By Sneak Peek - Memphis x Strange Fruit Productions
Deck Design Contest Winner: Darlene Newman - Board/Art Name: "Hard Core"

What started out as a oppurtunity for us to display art in a totally different way then most people are used to seeing, turned into not only a art exhibition, but also a networking social (as movers and shakers in Memphis and from elsewhere exchanged busines cards and Blackberry Pins all evening), a free-style dance contest (totally random freestyle battle between the checkout counter and DJ Booth that saw everything from Breaking to Jooking), a introduction of Sneak Peek for the 1st time to many guests from not only Memphis, but Atlanta, Washington D.C, Chicago, and Washington (State), and a building block for the skate community all over the city.

Many people left saying the same thing "I have never seen anything like this in Memphis" and it showed as most of the crowd stayed from the moment the show opened (6:00PM) until we finally closed the Iron Gate (12:08AM). Spring Board 2009 was not only treat for those in attendence as guest but also for all involved in making Spring Board 2009 a successful event.

Sneak Peek and Strange Fruit Productions would like to personally THANK everyone involved and in attendance at Spring Board 2009, the plan was executed to a "T" which allowed everyone to enjoy what happened. I'm against doing this because someone always gets ignored but "Blame It On My Head and Not My Heart", we would like to specifically thank the following people. All 21 Artist who all completed a deck (skateboard) or two for the show, the entire staff from Red Bull Energy Drink that not only supported the show but also came through to enjoy the festivities, RaRa, Corey Chism, Rico, Chris Landers, Killa Cam, Jason Mc., Chris Wong, Kirby, The Boss Lady, Aaron, Josh and the C.B.S Family, the Memphis Flyer, and anyone I forgot (I Love Yall All).

SO WHAT'S NEXT? WEARHouse Party will be held May 23, 2009, more details will come as it gets closer but it will be Spring Board 2009 + Much, Much, Much MORE.
I have tried to add as many photos without overloading the Blog, but 2 of my Favorite Loyals (Chris Wong and Kirby) took some great shots and loaded them to Slideshows, they can be found by following the links below.
Kirby's Pics: Wong's Pics:Okay this will probably be the last you hear about Spring Board 2009 . . . . . . . . at least from Sneak Peek, like I said earlier I'm past it (Get Better, Get Bigger, Go Farther, Go Harder, and If Not, Then Why Bother: Jay-Z) . . . . . . . WHAT's NEXT BECAUSE IT WILL ONLY GET BETTER. WE LOVE YALL ALL AND UNTIL WE SPEAK AGAIN PEACE.