Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blogging Again Finally: Sneak Peek Unplugged 1:1 - James Robinson

Let me first start off by apologizing, I'm human, and when your running a business sometimes you can't be (check out my personal blog which will start in a couple days if you wanna know more on that subject). I really enjoy feeding yall this information through the blog, but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day for me to complete new post. Trust that my time has been well spent, ordering, making sure new stuff will be on the shelves soon, paying bills, etc. I am making a personal commitment to this thing and I will uphold it no matter how tired or busy we are.

With that said I would like to introduce something new that we are doing, its called Sneak Peek Unplugged and we will film it on a monthly basis. No mics, no hype man, no band, just the artist and a invited audience (THATS IT). The first installment comes from James Robinson. He is a very soulful singer with a lot of talent, creativity, and ........... (I dont know what to put). As everyone knows I am really into Neo Soul, and Jazz so he is like a perfect combo of both. I hope yall enjoy and will continue to support this project (we are still working out the bugs, but this is what we got so far). Let us know what yall think and Until We Speak Again PEACE.

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