Monday, February 2, 2009

New Music Monday: John Forte x Talib Kweli - Homecoming

Well I have been debating all day as to which artist will make the New Music Monday segment, thanks to a new secret site, I have found so much music over the last couple days (and no we are not stealing, these artist want these records to be heard so they volunteer the tracks). Lil Wayne would be my obvious choice, no we are not Cock Riding, but dude is extra serious right now and Young Money is really coming along (maybe sometime during the week, when we have nothing else to talk about). Anywho, very surprising on the music scene this week has been Mr. John Forte, for those of you scratching your heads. John Forte was a artist from the Fugee's Refugee Camp who got caught up on some trumped up drug charges, he was convicted to 14 years in Prison but only served 7 before receiving a Presidential Pardon from now ex-President George W. Bush (one of the good things he did while in office). Guess Mr. Forte didn't spend his days just staring at the wall and lifting weights, because he came out of the hole spitting that heat. Check this collab he did with Talib Kweli over the Kanye West "Homecoming" instrumental. I'm sure much more will come from him in the near future. Glad to have another artist spitting that true, heart felt music. Enjoy and let us know what yall think, Until We Speak Again PEACE

"Homecoming" John Forte + Talib Kweli from The ICU on Vimeo.

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